Sunday, June 28, 2009


It is really, really, HOT here in Northeast Texas. We have had several 100+ days, and with our humidity, it is HORRID! My heart goes out to anyone who has to work out in this heat. Take a minute and check on the elderly in your family or neighbors, or just anyone you think my need assistance in this heat. Very importantly, check on your pets that may stay outside. They need plenty of water and shelter from the sun. On to other things! My new grandson has inspired me to scrapbook again, and he gives me the perfect subject. He is absolutely ADORABLE, and I'm not in the least prejudice. (hehe) Take a look at some of the pages I've done....

1 comment:

Vivra said...

Hi Lori--Vivra here. Love those scrapbook pages. Alex is sooo cute!